Monday, March 07, 2005

Voice Rest, Day One

So today is my first day of vocal rest. I sang "Hush, Little Baby" to Amelia last night. She and I talked about how it would be a week before I could sing it to her again. I told her that Daddy would sing it to her, but she is skeptical about his ability to remember all the words. On the other hand, he is much more fun after her bath. They play mail. Amelia is a letter, the towel is the envelope and Dave is the delivery system. The bed is the mailbox. There is always a lot of squealing.
Amelia came into my room beaming this morning. I think she likes the fact that I can't talk. It's harder for me to say NO. I also think she is relieved that I can still hug and kiss her. When I was about a year older than Amelia, my mother was pregnant with my little sister, Abigail. A kid in my class got the German measles so for about a week or so, my mother could not hug or kiss me. I still remember her standing at the foot of my bed with a sad expression on her face, blowing me kisses. My overwhelming impression is that my mother loved me so much that it made her really sad to not be able to kiss me. I think impresson has helped me more than the quarantine hurt me. Hopefully this silence will be good for Amelia.
My throat is already feeling less sore than it was. I am so hopeful and I continue to be so grateful for your support and caring.
I'll report again tomorrow about my silence.


Anonymous said...

Katryna! Welcome to the world of wonderful to see you here. I am grateful to hear that there will be no knives near your vocal chords in the near future...and here's hoping the steroids work! The Sox bullpen doesn't need you...return to your Yankeefandom--they could use you in the 'pen and apparantly don't mind the steroids (see Jason Giambi). Let Amelia know that we all quite enjoy when she engages in reverse throwmination!

Take care, dear Katryna! We look forward to your return to the stage :) See you in DC in April, I hope!

With love,

Anonymous said...

Enjoy the silence, as Depeche Mode said.

Anonymous said...

Haiku 4 U,

Silent is your song
opening like the flower of dawn
singing in my heart

Anonymous said...

hi - i just discovered your & nerrissa's blog. Good luck with the voice rest.

Do you know anyone who knows some sign language? This might be a great oppertunity to get a basic crash course & teach Amelia about it too.

Anne Marie

Anonymous said...

Cute mail game - I just hope Amelia doesn't reach the stage when she doesn't want to sleep and decides that there isn't enough postage to deliver her to bed.